Men Bar Long NecklaceI make the bar with zinc alloy leads free, enamel and silver plating. The bronze has silver platedThe chain is made from extra quality bronzeDimensionslength 1 3/4 incheswidth 1/2 inchesYou can choose from the listing options the length and the kind of chain With every neck..
Brand: Χειλάς
Bull Head Mens Silver NecklaceMATERIALSZinc Alloy ( Leads Free)Genuine cowhide leather cord 1mmDIMENSIONSWidth 4cm - 1 3/4 inchLength 4cm - 1 3/4 inchThickness 5mm 1/4 inchMETAL FINISHAntique silver 925 platingGunmetal platingTwo beautiful sliding knots on the leather cord can regulate the length of..
Brand: Χειλάς
Bull Head Mens Silver NecklaceMATERIALSZinc Alloy ( Leads Free)Genuine cowhide leather cord 1mmDIMENSIONSWidth 4cm - 1 3/4 inchLength 4cm - 1 3/4 inchThickness 5mm 1/4 inchMETAL FINISHAntique silver 925 platingGunmetal platingTwo beautiful sliding knots on the leather cord can regulate the length of..
I make the charm with zinc alloy leads free.Leather Cord ColorsBlackNaturalRed BrownYou can choose color from the listing optionsDimensionsDiameter 3,5 cm 1 1/2 inchesTwo beautiful sliding knots on the waxed cotton cord can regulate the length of the necklace..
Necklace with arrow and chainI make the arrow charm with zinc alloy leads free. The arrow charm has a silver platedThe chain is made from extra-quality bronzeDimensionsarrow charm length 2 inchesarrow charm width 1/4 inchesYou can choose from the listing options the length and the kind of chain ..
Small House Unisex NecklaceI make the charm with zinc alloy leads free.Cord Colors:BlackBrownMetal colour:Antique Silver PlatedBlue PatinaGold PlatedDimensions:length 5 cm - about 2 incheswidth 4 cm - about 1 1/2 inchesTwo beautiful sliding knots on the leather cord can regulate the length of the ne..
Alien Mens Necklace Pendant I make the charm with Zinc Alloy (leads free).It has antique silver plating.Two beautiful sliding knots on the Leather cord can regulate the length of the necklace.Motif Dimensions: length 1,2 cm about 1/2 inchwidth 1,2 cm about 1/2 inchYou can select leath..
Brand: Χειλάς
Anchor necklace for menI make the charm with zinc alloy leads free.Leather Cord ColorsBlackNaturalRed BrownYou can choose color from the listing optionsDimensionslength 2,5 cm 1 inchwidth 1,5 cm 5/8 inchesthickness 0,3 cm 1/8 inchesTwo beautiful sliding knots on the waxed cotton cord can regulate th..
Ancient Greek Arrowhead Men Necklace I make the charm with zinc alloy leads free.Cord Colors:BlackRed BrownNaturalDimensions:length 3,3 cm about 1,5 inchwidth 2,2 cm about 1 inchTwo beautiful sliding knots on the leather cord can regulate the length of the necklace..
Ancient Greek Blue Green Patina FishMATERIALSZinc Alloy ( Leads Free)Cotton Waxed Cord 0.8 mmDIMENSIONSWidth 2cm - 6/8 inchLength 4,3cm - 1 3/4 inchThickness 2mmTwo beautiful sliding knots on the waxed cotton cord can regulate the length of the necklace..
Brand: Χειλάς
Angel Wing Mens Necklace I make the Angel Wing Pendant with zinc alloy (leads free). The Angel Wing has antique silver platedThe chain is made from extra quality bronzeColors and kinds of chainsilver plating classic chainsilver plating ball chainantique bronze oxidation classic chainantique bro..
Antique Long Necklace KeepsakeI make the charm with bronzeCord Colors:BlackBrownDimensions:length 2,1 cm 3/4 incheswidth 1,6 cm 7/8 inchesTwo beautiful sliding knots on the waxed cotton cord can regulate the length of the necklace..